About Encaustic
Encaustic painting goes back to as early as 100 AD and was a common form of painting in Ancient Rome and Greece. The medium is a combination of beeswax, damar resin (tree sap) and pigments. It is applied to a hard substrate in molten form and fused with a torch or heat gun. Layer after layer is applied, fused and manipulated to create the art you see here on my website. It’s true beauty can only be fully appreciated in person when the senses are allowed to experience it in all its’ brilliance!
Artwork Care
Wax is stable at 40-120°F. It can soften on hot days but not cause damage. Be sure not to touch the wax if it is under hot conditions. Hanging in an even temperature environment is best. It may also be good practice if a painting is shipped to you to allow the work to become temperature stabalized prior to touching it just in case it was heated in transit.
Keep out of direct sunlight and do not glass the artwork. I have ruined pieces behind a window in a hot car during transport.
Encaustic paintings can be buffed to a high gloss shine depending on the media used with it. When the painting is at room temperature or cooler and free of dust, take a soft lint-free cloth and buff the painting in small circles. I like use nylon stockings.
Do not buff the painting if it is over 75°F and do not buff hard. When shiny, it sheds dust and dirt much easier.